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MINI Repeater

BAOJIE BJ-851 Mini Repeater

1. You can easily program channel data using the programming software on a PC.
2. You can recall one of the 16 preset channels using a PF key or the external control wire.
3. CTCSS/DCS signaling can be programmed on each channel by programming software, and at the same time it can be decode up to 16 different CTCSS/DCS tones.
4. The radio repeater bandwidth: Wide: 25KHz/Narrow: 12.5 kHz (using BJ-851B model)

Adjust the following functions by programming software:
1. Setting RX frequency
2. Setting TX frequency
3. Setting CTCSS/DCS

Specifications of BJ-851 Mini Repeater
Frequency Range 400-470MHz
Frequency Spacing 10MHz
Duplex Band Width 1MHz
Modulation Type FM 16F3
Operation Voltage 12-14V
Standby Current: 0.3A/Rx Current: 0.8A/Tx Current: ≤3.0A
Frequency Stability ±2.5ppm
Channel Spacing 12.5KHz/25KHz
Weight Approx. 2Kg
Max. Output Power 10W
Receiving End Insertion Loss ≤2dB
Transmitting End Insertion Loss < 1.5dN
Transmitting-Receiving End Isolation ≥65dB
Matched Impedance 50Ω
Radio Receiver
Simplex Sensitivity ≥0.3uv
Duplex Sensitivity < 3dB
Squelch Sensitivity ≥0.2uv
Adjacent Channel Selectivity 75dB
Audio Output Power 2.0W
Audio Distortion < 5%
Radio Transmitter
Output Power 10W
Spurious Radiation 75dB
Audio Distortion < 5%
Max. Modulation 5kHz
Packing Inspection
Item Quantity
Mounting Bracket 1
Screw Set 1
AC/DC Power 1
Programming Cable 1
Instruction 1
Inquiry Form